Friday, February 3, 2012

MITT ROMNEY – A Convenient Mexican

While recently being interviewed by Univision, Romney stated that he would like to spread the notion around Florida before the GOP primary election that his father was from Mexico, thus he is Mexican. Really Romney, so NOW you have transformed yourself into the Convenient Mexican. In our books you are just a plain old Opportunist. Romney, do you even visit your Mexican relatives that live in Mexico?

It is highly hypocritical that Romney has forgotten the kindness of the Mexican people who gave sanctuary to his Grandfather and his many wives, when they fled the United States due to religious persecution. And now Romney is pushing the theory of self-deportation. Mitt, where is your gratitude and compassionate for undocumented Mexicans, whose ancestors welcome your family with open arms despite of your ancestors’ religious views which were and are beyond social norms.

Romney stated, “I would love to be able to convince people of that [he is Mexican], particularly in the Florida primary,” with a chuckle, during an interview in Miami, which is a heavily Cuban-American controlled area in Florida. Due to the fact that this man has no shame when he just stated in the Iowa that he would veto the DREAM Act and is now promoting the theory of self-deporting.

Please be assured, Latina/os are tuned in to this year’s political process more than ever in the history of this country, and Mr. Romney, you will NOT get the support of the Latina/o people because you do not support what IS IMPORTANT TO US.

Newsflash to Mr. Romney and your handmaiden who is providing you cover in the Florida Cuban community, Marco Rubio, your reactionary positions on the DREAM Act, Comprehensive Immigration Reform and the self-deporting scheme truly exposes your callous disregard for our conservative Hispanic/Latina/o pro-family values.  Obviously, Mitt, your extreme nativist reactionary positions on immigration will rip apart mixed-status families, ending up punishing innocent U.S. citizens for loving a person regardless of their particular status.

Unmistakably Sir, your behavior is not reflective of an American of MEXICAN descent nor does it reflect a compassionate heart of Americans of Mexican or Latina/o descent!  Mitt, just wait and see how much love you will receive in the Midwest and Southwest states where Americans of Mexican descent and many other Americans are waiting to vote against you!

By Shirl Mora James, Lead Co-President of the National Tequila Party Movement
A Female-led political movement

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