Wednesday, February 22, 2012

ACTION ALERT: “Anybody But Mitt Romney” Protest! ACTION ALERT: “Anybody But Mitt Romney” Protest!

ACTION ALERT: “Anybody But Mitt Romney” Protest!

When: February 22, 2012
Where: Mesa Arts Center
One East Main Street,
Mesa, AZ 85201
Time: 4:30 pm
Why: 2012 Presidential GOP Candidate stated he would veto the DREAM
Act if President; therefore, Latinos are promising to veto Mitt
Romney at the polls. 

The National Tequila Party Movement (a female led political movement that encourages Latina/os to vote and be a voice for the voiceless undocumented) is a strong supporters of the DREAM Act. 

What is the DREAM Act?

The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act was first introduced in 2001 by Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah and it had broad bipartisan support. The DREAM Act legislation would encourage a younger group of people that would maintain our labor market needs, as well as help increase the small business ownership that immigrants often bring to our economy. Because higher education is a prerequisite, this group would support themselves in the labor market and avoid a growing dependence on government. We support measures that promote individual responsibility, not government entitlements.

Tax burdens will be shared with the people affected by the DREAM Act, and revenues would increase the tax base for state, federal, and local governments. According to the US Department of Commerce / Economics and Statistics Administration of the US Census Bureau, earnings increase with educational level ‒ and taxes increase when earnings increase. For instance, a single person who graduates with a Bachelor’s degree should make an average annual salary of $60,000.00 which is taxed at approximately $11,194.00 every year (2009 IRS Tax Rate Schedule).

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