Sunday, February 26, 2012

Investigation: Just Who Is Behind Voter ID? -

Guess who is attempting to run our State of Nebraska-----yep, OUTSIDERS called "ALEC" that belong to a "secret national society made of powerful corporations and billionaire conservatives" and Senator Charlie Janssen from Fremont is helping them! WHY?

Who is ALEC?  ALEC calls itself a "Non-partisan membership association for conservative lawmakers who share a common belief".   What is their "COMMON BELIEF"?  

What about ALEC's connections to Arizona's anti-immigrant state senators and Arizona's private prisions that make billion and billions of dollars off U.S. taxpayers for warehousing immgrants.

FIRST, ALEC came for the immigrants and now they are targeting U.S. citizens that are poor, disabled, senior citizens, young voters and minority voters!

Investigation: Just Who Is Behind Voter ID? -

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