Sunday, February 26, 2012

Investigation: Just Who Is Behind Voter ID? -

Guess who is attempting to run our State of Nebraska-----yep, OUTSIDERS called "ALEC" that belong to a "secret national society made of powerful corporations and billionaire conservatives" and Senator Charlie Janssen from Fremont is helping them! WHY?

Who is ALEC?  ALEC calls itself a "Non-partisan membership association for conservative lawmakers who share a common belief".   What is their "COMMON BELIEF"?  

What about ALEC's connections to Arizona's anti-immigrant state senators and Arizona's private prisions that make billion and billions of dollars off U.S. taxpayers for warehousing immgrants.

FIRST, ALEC came for the immigrants and now they are targeting U.S. citizens that are poor, disabled, senior citizens, young voters and minority voters!

Investigation: Just Who Is Behind Voter ID? -

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

MALDEF's statement on Fremont case.

Thomas A. Saenz, MALDEF President and General Counsel, stated, “The threat to our nation's constitutional plan emanates as much from localities that arrogate the authority to regulate immigration as from the half-dozen states, beginning with Arizona, whose governors have sought to defy the Constitution. Today, the district court corrected Fremont's unconstitutional attempt to drive immigrants out of its city, and we welcome the decision.”

ACTION ALERT: “Anybody But Mitt Romney” Protest! ACTION ALERT: “Anybody But Mitt Romney” Protest!

ACTION ALERT: “Anybody But Mitt Romney” Protest!

When: February 22, 2012
Where: Mesa Arts Center
One East Main Street,
Mesa, AZ 85201
Time: 4:30 pm
Why: 2012 Presidential GOP Candidate stated he would veto the DREAM
Act if President; therefore, Latinos are promising to veto Mitt
Romney at the polls. 

The National Tequila Party Movement (a female led political movement that encourages Latina/os to vote and be a voice for the voiceless undocumented) is a strong supporters of the DREAM Act. 

What is the DREAM Act?

The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act was first introduced in 2001 by Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah and it had broad bipartisan support. The DREAM Act legislation would encourage a younger group of people that would maintain our labor market needs, as well as help increase the small business ownership that immigrants often bring to our economy. Because higher education is a prerequisite, this group would support themselves in the labor market and avoid a growing dependence on government. We support measures that promote individual responsibility, not government entitlements.

Tax burdens will be shared with the people affected by the DREAM Act, and revenues would increase the tax base for state, federal, and local governments. According to the US Department of Commerce / Economics and Statistics Administration of the US Census Bureau, earnings increase with educational level ‒ and taxes increase when earnings increase. For instance, a single person who graduates with a Bachelor’s degree should make an average annual salary of $60,000.00 which is taxed at approximately $11,194.00 every year (2009 IRS Tax Rate Schedule).

We need stories from real Nebraskans on how they would be affected by Voter ID for the filibuster.

We need stories from real Nebraskans on how they would be affected by Voter ID for the filibuster.

If you could post this google document to all of your facebook pages, twitter feeds, and disseminate via your list servs that would be great:

Friday, February 3, 2012

MITT ROMNEY – A Convenient Mexican

While recently being interviewed by Univision, Romney stated that he would like to spread the notion around Florida before the GOP primary election that his father was from Mexico, thus he is Mexican. Really Romney, so NOW you have transformed yourself into the Convenient Mexican. In our books you are just a plain old Opportunist. Romney, do you even visit your Mexican relatives that live in Mexico?

It is highly hypocritical that Romney has forgotten the kindness of the Mexican people who gave sanctuary to his Grandfather and his many wives, when they fled the United States due to religious persecution. And now Romney is pushing the theory of self-deportation. Mitt, where is your gratitude and compassionate for undocumented Mexicans, whose ancestors welcome your family with open arms despite of your ancestors’ religious views which were and are beyond social norms.

Romney stated, “I would love to be able to convince people of that [he is Mexican], particularly in the Florida primary,” with a chuckle, during an interview in Miami, which is a heavily Cuban-American controlled area in Florida. Due to the fact that this man has no shame when he just stated in the Iowa that he would veto the DREAM Act and is now promoting the theory of self-deporting.

Please be assured, Latina/os are tuned in to this year’s political process more than ever in the history of this country, and Mr. Romney, you will NOT get the support of the Latina/o people because you do not support what IS IMPORTANT TO US.

Newsflash to Mr. Romney and your handmaiden who is providing you cover in the Florida Cuban community, Marco Rubio, your reactionary positions on the DREAM Act, Comprehensive Immigration Reform and the self-deporting scheme truly exposes your callous disregard for our conservative Hispanic/Latina/o pro-family values.  Obviously, Mitt, your extreme nativist reactionary positions on immigration will rip apart mixed-status families, ending up punishing innocent U.S. citizens for loving a person regardless of their particular status.

Unmistakably Sir, your behavior is not reflective of an American of MEXICAN descent nor does it reflect a compassionate heart of Americans of Mexican or Latina/o descent!  Mitt, just wait and see how much love you will receive in the Midwest and Southwest states where Americans of Mexican descent and many other Americans are waiting to vote against you!

By Shirl Mora James, Lead Co-President of the National Tequila Party Movement
A Female-led political movement



In 2010, 1,600 low-income women lost access to prenatal care through Medicaid, leaving them without the critical care that would help their baby be born as healthy as possible. With your help, we can restore this coverage through LB 599.

Press Conference
When: Tuesday, February 7, 2012
12:00 pm (Gather at 11:45 am)
Where: Rotunda, Nebraska Capitol

Following the press conference, we will stop by legislators’ offices to urge them to prioritize healthy babies. Help make healthy babies a priority this session


When: Saturday, February 11, 2012
1:00 pm
Where: Christ United Methodist Church
Fellowship Hall, 45th and A Street, Lincoln

Call or write your State Senator and tell them to support LB 599 and make healthy babies a priority this session.
 Appleseed Alert