Thursday, April 5, 2012

Kudos to our NE State Senators that support all Nebraska Babies

Kudos to our NE State Senators that support all Nebraska Babies, including the babies that are called "Jesus": Adams, Coash, Flood, Howard, Mello, Ashford, Conrad, Gloor, Karpisek, Nordquist, Avery, Cook, Haar K., Krist, Schumacher,Campbell, Cornett, Hadley, Lathrop, Wallman, Carlson, Council Harms, Louden, Wightman, Christensen, Dubas, Harr B., McGill, and Sullivan! 

Bravo to you all, to have the COURAGE to stand-up against an immigrant unborn baby-hating tyrant, Governor Heineman!

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