Friday, January 20, 2012

Latina-led Political Movement Urges Independent and Democratic Latinos to Vote in “Open Primaries”

Phoenix, AZ – Arizona-based National Tequila Party Movement is issuing an action alert to encourage Independent and Democratic Latinos to vote in the numerous state open primary races across the country.

National Tequila Party urges Latina/os to vote for “anyone but Romney” as he embraces xenophobia more than any other Presidential candidate when he decided to align himself with Kris Kobach who works for the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI). IRLI is the legal arm of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), recently listed as a nativist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. FAIR is part of the John Tanton network. A retired Michigan ophthalmologist, Tanton has white nationalist beliefs and has written that to maintain American culture, “a European-American majority” is required.

Thus, let’s take our real shot for change and vote for “anyone but Romney” in the open primary states.
Beginning by voting in the next Open Primary Election next Saturday, on January 21, 2012 in South Carolina.

The Delegates numbers per state of the Open Republican Primary States are as follows:
Alabama (50)
Arizona (Semi-closed, with primaries open only to unaffiliated or unrepresented voters, except for the Libertarian primary) (57)
Arkansas (36)
Georgia (75)
Hawaii (Open primary for state, local, and congressional races; caucus system for presidential races) (20)
Idaho (32)
Indiana (46)
Massachusetts (All races’ primaries open for “un-enrolled”/unaffiliated voters only) (41)
Michigan (59)
Mississippi (37)
Missouri (53)
South Carolina (50)
Tennessee (58)
Texas (152)
Vermont (17)
Virginia (49)
Wisconsin (42)
Total delegates for our taking in these Open Republican Primaries are a total 874 and it takes 1,212 needed to win.

This means NTP shall influence who is the 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate.

About the National Tequila Party Movement:
The National Tequila Party Movement is a female-led political movement. More females vote in Presidential elections than men strong Latina matriarchs are emerging. It is our goal to communicate to females and Latina matriarchs across the nation with regard to the need for compassion towards undocumented immigrants and the need to fix the broken immigration system. The Tequila Party is currently organizing a national tour of concerts, events, dinners and college rallies that will encourage a massive Latino Get Out The Vote and political participation. This movement is a non-partisan movement. We don’t care how people vote, we just want them to get on the early ballot system, become consistent primary and general election voters.

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