Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Nebraska's DREAMERS request our support

Open letter from Nebraska DREAMERS (NEDA):

Dear NEDA Allies & Friends:

Today, Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and others will hold a press conference to announce the re-introduction of the DREAM Act and we need your support in getting this piece of legislation to pass the senate floor.

The DREAM Act stands for the Developmental Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act, a bipartisan bill that would allow undocumented students to be put on a path to citizenship by attending college and/or joining the military while meeting specific requirements. The bill was previously stalled in the senate by a shortage of 6 votes. Our Nebraska senators both Democrat Ben Nelson and Republican Mike Johanns voted against the bill. This is our chance to mend the mistakes of the past. We strongly believe this time around we have a better chance of getting this bill through.  It includes the largest number of original cosponsors we have ever had (32); all of the Majority leadership (Reid, Durbin, Schumer, and Murray), the Chairs of all of the relevant Committees (Leahy, Levin, and Lieberman), and all 10 Democratic members of the Judiciary Committee.

We ask that you help us by signing the National 2011 DREAM Act petition, e-mailing, calling our Nebraska senators and representatives and asking for their support. We ask that you help us in this fight for equal opportunity for young people. Help give immigrant youth the right to an education and the privilege to serve the U.S. armed forces. This is a guaranteed investment for the country. The DREAM Act will bring a boost to the economy and it is crucial to competing with other nations. The country needs more professionals now that the ‘Baby Boomers’ are at the age of retirement. We need to fill those positions with capable young people. We must stop criminalizing the undiscovered talent living in the shadows and living in fear of deportation.

Thank you for your support,
Nebraska Dream Alliance

here is a link to Senator Dick Durbin’s live press conference at 10am ET/9 am CT : attachments: a one-page summary of the bill to be introduced

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